Monday, 13 June 2011

Marx's Base and Superstructure model

In our everyday lives, we often interact and build relationships with According to Marx, the society works based on three elements: relation production, force production, and the super structure. Furthermore, based on the dominate ideology, Marx believed that rich and powerful people tend to maintain their advantages in the society by exploiting the majority of people. In a capitalistic economic systematic society, people who do not have the concept of classes lack of the class consciousness. Others who have social class consciousness will try to protect themselves from being exploited by their owners. To understand how a capitalistic economic system works, Karl Marx believed that there are some crucial elements: the Marx’s base and superstructure model. Capitalistic economic system as a whole is driven by the Marx’s base and superstructure model. According to Karl Marx, a capitalistic society is built by base and superstructure. The base is a vehicle driving the capitalistic society's economy. The superstructure is anything; such as religion, law, and politic the society values or the people in the society pursue. Therefore, according to Marxism, the capitalistic economy system works based on the relationship between workers and owners and the relationship between powerful people and the majority of people who do not have power.

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